Turkana Shields

Turkana Shields

Turkana Shields
1 available for immediate delivery

Price: $999.00

We estimate the larger, older leather shield is over 130 years old. It is expertly crafted with fine leather work and a stout main beam adorned with Ostrich feathers. The leather portion measures 33” x 10 and flares to 15” wide at the top and bottom. This shield offered protection when spears and arrows were the weapons of the day.

The smaller, all metal version measures 25” x 9” and dates from the early 1900’s when firearms and rolled steel came into existence. This heavy shield was made to be bulletproof and it might have been against old muzzle loaders. It mimics the basic construction of the leather one but the craftsmanship is missing and the materials are different; the steel main beam is wired to the shield and it incorporates a crude handle. $999/pair